Monday, January 21, 2013

Matthew 16

This chapter starts out with the Pharisees and Sadducees demanding a sign from Jesus to prove who He is and why He has authority to do the things He is doing.  They were not really interested in understanding as evidenced by the fact they ignored the prophecies in the Bible and the miracles that Jesus performed among the people.  Jesus let it be known that He would give them no sign except the sign of Jonah.  (Jonah was in the belly of the fish 3 days as Jesus would be buried 3 days) Jesus warned His disciples not to be fooled by the teaching of the Pharsees and Sadducees .   He compared their teachings to yeast in bread.  The disciples started to argue because they thought Jesus was upset they forgot to bring bread. Jesus having to clear that up gives me hope that when I miss the obvious He will be patient while He explains.  Yeast starts out in a small but expands just like false teaching.  It starts out small and expands as it sucks in its prey. 

The rest of the chapter deals with some pretty heavy stuff about who Jesus is and Peter's recognition of it, followed by a big blunder by Peter.  Praise God that we serve a Savior who deals with us with such patience.

Read the chapter yourself in a translation you can understand.  I often use the New Living Testament at   Also Pastor John and I did a through the New Testament video series a few years ago using the King James (because it has no copy right)  He asked me if I was putting them on the blog and I had to admit I hadn't been.  We have most of the chapters but are missing some. 

Here is today's

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