Monday, January 7, 2013

Matthew 7...Juding and Fruit Inspection

Even the unsaved are aware of the statement of Jesus, "Judge not that you be not judged"  Unfortuately so many read just that statement without reading the context.  In our society it has come to mean that anything a person does is not to be judged or tested but rather simply accepted.  that is not what Jesus was saying at all.  In the same chapter Jesus talks about the fruit of a person's life.  He talks about the fact you can recognize someone coming to you as a wolf in sheeps clothing by their fruit or actions.  So what is Jesus saying?  There were many in His soceity who deemed a person unworthy, unworthy of God's love and forgiveness, unworthy of a second chance in life, unworthy of respect for a variety of reasons.  Their hyprocrosy held  no bounds because they to were were tryi8ng to point out flaws in others while not looking in the miror themslevs to ssee how they were treating others.  Today folks get really upset if someone says that what they are doing is wrong and they say "You are judging me and you are not suppose to"  However, let's remember that Jesus does tell us to be fruit inspectors.  Jesus did correct sin and He helped people overcome it, but He did let folks know that they had to reprent.  What are some examples of Jesus reminding people to repent?  What portion did you enjoy reading form the res tof the chapter?

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